Piano choice. Thoughts please

David Boyce David@bouncer.force9.co.uk
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:03:56 +0100

Hi folks,

Roger, you say
"Hi David,
              There are so few Fazioli's out there, that there are very few
recordings to choose from. So much of what Don has said is valid.
  One cautionary note  Composers up to the Beethoven (time period)  the
Boosy problems will be less noticable.  
How ever late Romantic and the big Russian works will show the problems up
in a flash."

That's a very interesting observation, much appreciated.  I'm relaying all
these comments to the powers that be!  It's summer vaction now so I'm not
in daily contact, but they do need to move quite quickly because the new
music facility is in process of construction/conversion, and they want to
configure it around the piano.

Best regards,


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