Agraffe tuning easier or not?

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:54:44 -0500

> I've replaced this felt with a half round brass bar on a Baldwin R last year
> and tuning is easier in
> that section.  Would the piano gods send me spinets for eternity when I
> install a brass counter
> bearing bar in the tenor section of a S&S L this summer ?  I have a few
> pianos I would be happy
> to burn in sacrifice to appease them if necessary.
> Regards,
> Jon Page,   piano technician

Burn away, but do it for the personal satisfaction. There is a different piano
god under every fallboard, so if you don't like the attitude of the ones you've
got, suitable replacements can be conjured. Any piano god that objects to a
shiny brass counter bearing bar, up nice and close to the V bar to keep those
front duplex imps quiet, isn't worth your time.

Ron N

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