Agraffe tuning easier or not?

Jon Page
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:05:03 -0400

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At 10:32 PM 06/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:<snip>
>Second, agraffes don't make the system inherently more stable than a capo.
>They may require a little different tuning technique, but there won't be
>any real difference in stability. Ron N

The difference in tuning between the agraffe and capo sections I think is 
the counter bearing felt
in the tenor section. This felt offers more friction than a metal counter 
bearing bar and as such
the capo section is easier to tune.

I've replaced this felt with a half round brass bar on a Baldwin R last 
year and tuning is easier in
that section.  Would the piano gods send me spinets for eternity when I 
install a brass counter
bearing bar in the tenor section of a S&S L this summer ?  I have a few 
pianos I would be happy
to burn in sacrifice to appease them if necessary.

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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