Agraffe tuning easier or not?

jolly roger
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 00:07:27 -0500

At 09:05 PM 6/24/01 -0600, you wrote:
>The Heintzman system works fine when new. But later it is very difficult to
>get the string to render. It might be a great system as far as termination
>and conservation of sound energy, but it is a pain to tune when the
>friction is so very high.
Hi Don,
             One drip of protec applied with a tooth pick on each of the
agraffe holes will solve the rendering hassles. Drop the tension a little
before raising, and it will tune just like any other piano.
When restinging, I use a 3/32" drill bit in a dremel tool, to ream the
agraffe holes, works beautifully.  Once this system is cleaned up and the V
bar dressed and polished. I think it is one of the best.   The cost of
manufacture is the main reason it is not used.
Regards Roger

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