Agraffe vs capo

Delwin D Fandrich
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 19:54:20 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Farrell" <>
To: <>
Sent: June 26, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Agraffe vs capo

> Del said: "I'm not sure which is inherently superior though I expect the
> scale is tipped toward a well designed capo d'astro bar system, though not
> necessarily with a V-bar."
> Please help me understand "V-Bar". Are you referring to the shape of the
> termination point on the bottom of the capo d'astro bar? The few I have
> appear to be just simply a bit rounded. What types are there?

The bottom of the capo d'astro bar is usually flat. Sticking out of this is
the so-called V-bar. You're right, it is generally not in the precise shape
of a V, but our language isn't very precise either. It's easier to say "the
V-bar" than to say "that portion of the gray iron plate casting protruding
from the bottom of the capo d'astro bar having approximately the shape of a
'V' with a slightly rounded fillet of various radii between the two legs of
the V."

-- ddf

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