Knabe piano

Robert Goodale
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:10:57 -0500

Current day Knabes are built by Young Chang.  M.S.R. commissioned them
primarily for factory pre installed PianoDisc systems although they were also
available for dealers as stand-alone pianos.  About a year or so ago PianoDisc
discontinued their factory installs all together and now refers all installs
to the field techs.  Pre-installs became less profitable due to significantly
increased wholesale costs by Young Chang.

The Knabes are reasonably decent.  Some models have some very nice looking
cabinets because they were originally marketed to appeal to customers who
wanted a PianoDisc in a better than average looking piano.  Lower end pianos
were left to the dealers and their field installers.  Knabes were available in
some nice looking veneers and a few models had some inlay work and carved
legs.  Quality was about the same as a basic Young Chang.

Because they were only discontinued about a year or so ago there are still a
number of new Knabes available although the supply is rapidly dwindling.  The
dealer I do installs for bought two containers of them just after they
announced their discontinuation so we still have quite a few of them
available.  They are very easy to install PianoDiscs into because the slot was
pre-cut during manufacturing.  Knabes that did not have a PDS installed at the
factory have a cover that goes over the slot so that the bottom of the piano
looks more or less normal.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Robb Fowler wrote:

> He also found another piano for us to consider.  It is a new Knabe 7'   KN
> 700.  Any thoughts on this piano?  Any specific information or experiences
> you can provide will be most helpful.

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