new piano

jolly roger
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 18:25:53 -0500

Hi Gina,
            This is common to just about all manufacturers, the customer
rarely reads any thing in the owners pack.  <G>

At 05:49 PM 6/24/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Les,
>Give them a copy of the PTG brochure "How Often Should My Piano Be
>Serviced;" or, if they have internet access, direct them to
> which is the brochure online; or
> and have them click on "Tech Talk."
>From that Kawai page:
>"Tuning and Service:
>"All pianos need to be tuned regularly. The amount of time between tunings
>for a fine instrument depends on many factors, especially the stability of
>the temperature and humidity and the amount of use the piano receives. In
>general, Kawai recommends 2 to 4 tunings per year. However, your piano
>technician can best recommend the appropriate interval for your specific
>environmental conditions and use.
>"Pianos also need to be serviced in ways other than simple tuning. The
>action mechanism and the hammers are subject to wear through use. Periodic
>voicing and regulation will keep the piano sounding its best throughout the
>life of the instrument. In general, if the touch or tone of your piano seems
>uneven, difficult to control, or the notes do not repeat well, you should
>speak with your technician about the need for regulation and voicing."
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Leslie W Bartlett" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 11:15 PM
>Subject: new piano

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