Streaks in Cedar (OT)

Sun, 24 Jun 2001 11:25:23 -0500

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The surface of the cedar is smooth. It is sold in this area as WP-4 =
cedar siding. We chose it because it does not need finishing and, with =
light sanding the cedar fragrance is renewed. The streaks appear to be =
concentrations of cedar resin if that's possible. I hope hoping for a =
solution less messy than sanding.=20
Thanks to all for the replies. I'll be doing a little testing.

Paul Chick
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Warren Fisher=20
  Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 10:21 AM
  Subject: Re: Streaks in Cedar (OT)

  Is the wood rough or smooth?  The discoloration could be several =
things like stuff dissolved in the water, or changes in the wood caused =
by wetting.  Wood cleaners seem to work by carrying finish stain from =
the surrounding area into the affected area, but they also change the =
general coloration so that you have to do a large area to keep it from =
standing out.  If the surface is smooth, I would do some light sanding =
first to see if you could blend it.   You may have to bite the bullet =
and put a deck finish on it.=20


  Paul wrote:=20

    ListHas any one had any experience removing water streaks from =
cedar? We had a roof leak and water ran down an unfinished cedar wall. =
I'm tempted to try a wood cleaner that is used for cleaning cedar decks. =
Any advice will be appreciated. Paul Chick

  Warren Fisher RPT=20

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