bridle strap - was Re: 1902 Conover upright jack lever

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 21:08:41 -0500

>I disagree with the primary function being A.  Maybee a secondary function
>does exist with bridle straps assisting repetition when properly regulated,
>but I don't believe for a moment that was their intended primary purpose.

I can't say one way or another what the intended primary purpose was/is,
but I think that test question is pitifully out to lunch unless someone can
come up with some real indication of what the "primary" purpose really was
intended to be. I'd contest the question too, whether I guessed right or
not - and that's the point. It's a bad question. From what we know a bridle
strap actually - demonstrably does, there is no clear right answer as it's
worded, so there's no way anyone could be justifiably graded wrong for
choosing B. It's a poorly crafted question, calling for conjecture from the
victim (requiring matching the conjecture from the perpetrator to get it
right), and needs to be replaced with something more sensible and less
arbitrarily indistinct.

Such as...

"The function of the bridle strap is:"

A)-To speed repetition and to keep the jack from falling below the butt
felt during action removal and installation
B)-To limit lost motion when adjusting capstans
C)-To provide aftertouch when the left pedal is depressed
D)-To pull the hammers back in place when the left pedal is released

E) (optional, extra credit) To make the pizza run, pay the electric bill,
save the world, and be just a really good friend when you need one.

Actually, I'd probably contest E too, under the circumstances.

Ron N

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