Piano choice. Thoughts please

Overs Pianos sec@overspianos.com.au
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 07:05:34 +1000

David and list,

David Severance
Washington State University wrote:

>We had a Bosendorfer in our concert hall here, I believe it was the 278.
>Wonderful full rich tenor and bass but the treble was weak.  It was hard for
>the artist to make it sing.

No it won't. That kerfed rim might be traditional, but some 
traditions are best discarded. I've heard that the new Bösendorfer 
models have got a more substantial rim.

>We recently purchased a  9'2" Fazioli for our
>recording studio and everyone that has played it so far loves it.  It
>doesn't drop off in the lower treble like the Bosse did and a lot of the
>Steinways do.

Because Paolo knows all about building an appropriate level of 
stiffness into the 'board and rim in the treble. Even the bridge cap 
wood he uses will help to increase treble stiffness in a progressive 
manner. He uses maple for the first treble section (perhaps 
Sycamore), hornbeam for the next, and boxwood for the very top treble 
section (the ADDs are 0.6, 0.7 and 0.9 respectively).


Ron O.

Website:  http://www.overspianos.com.au
Email:        mailto:ron@overspianos.com.au

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