Supporting the pinblock

Dave Nereson
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 01:28:06 -0600

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Clyde Hollinger=20
  Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:32 AM
  Subject: Supporting the pinblock

  OK, so I am learning something here, maybe.  I always thought I needed =
  support the pinblock because the stress of pounding in the strings =
might break
  something.  Consequently, I didn't think it was necessary to position =
  support directly under where I was pounding; nearby was good enough.  =
  delamination the real threat here?  So far I haven't had any problems, =
but I
  want to be sure to *keep* it that way.

  Regards, Clyde

  John Ross wrote:

  > Hi Dave,
  > If you replace the pins with oversize, be sure and support the =
pinblock from
  > below, to prevent delamination.

  It's a safety measure.  You probably wouldn't crack the plate or =
pinblock, or de-laminate the pinblock, except maybe on an old, brittle, =
or very dry piano.  Delaminating is a possibility if you're driving a =
real fat pin into a tight hole and it's longer than the original -- =
nothing is supporting that bottom layer.  I have "set" tuning pins in a =
grand without supporting the block, if it's just a light tap to make the =
pins of a string I've just replaced even with the others.   But I don't =
like to.  (Better safe than sorry).  Nearby (within a few inches) is =
probably good enough, unless they're going in real tight and you're =
pounding hard.  --Dave Nereson, RPT

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