1902 Conover upright jack lever

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 21:52:51 -0500


After 20 years plus I came across a most unique concept which in the
beginning, I could not figure out.

First thing I noticed was an unside down 'L' shaped wire mounted on the top
of each jack lever, which when at their rest position, inserted themselves
into the hammer butts which conveniently had holes in them, each with a
felt pad for the wire to rest on.

I was totally baffled at the reason for such a wire device until I needed
to remove the action to do a repair on a broken hammer butt brass rail
part.  It was at that time that I noticed something that was customarily
normal for older uprights to have, but this one didn't.

Anybody care to guess the reason for the upside down 'L' shaped wire before
I reveal what else became self evident which explains the why?  For anyone
who might have already experienced such a thing, please refrain from giving
it away.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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