: Tech on TV Wednesday(OT)

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:51:21 -0700

OK Terry:  I watched "You Don't Know Jack" last night and never saw
>Do you have any idea what I charge customers in a "no-show"
>situation?????? <G>
>John R. Fortiner
>Billings, MT.

That's a good one! Well, I also wondered what the heck was going on with MY 
episode, so i called ABC. They told me, although i was in the very first 
show taped, and even though clips from my show have been plastered all over 
ABC, that the shows hardly EVER run in order! So, bottom line-- MY show is 
scheduled to air Wednesday at 8:30 pm ES, July 18th, 2001. They said you 
never know, and that i should check each week just in case they run it 
earlier. Sorry for the confusion gang!

Terry Peterson
Precision Piano Service
Torrance, CA

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