FWD: Is complete 5-Part Dampp-chaser unit always necessary?

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 15:18:02 -0500

>I find that pianos with this system are more in tune after a year than pianos
>without it are after six months.  

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, in my little world, pianos with no
system at all are in better tune after a year than the same piano was at
six months. At least after the first year of their lives. I do know what
you meant, but it might need a little rewording as a selling point. Other
than that, I agree that in parts of the world where the houses don't get
below 40%rh, there's no point to installing the humidifier, but the
dehumidifier and humidistat can work wonders. I'd also prefer enough or too
much wattage to too little, so I could be sure it is effective.   

>The caveat that I always tell my customers,
>however, is that they are not allowed to move the piano to a different
>If they do, the system may not work as well unless modified to a full system.

Yep, but customers are like everyone else. They want hard universal answers
they can memorize and apply without negotiation, not contingency
alternatives that require assessment of conditions. I never know for sure
if they really understand what I'm trying to explain to them.

Ron N

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