Agraffe tuning eaiser or not?

Jarred Finnigan
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:40:23 +0800

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I had a local tuner in the store I work for the other day inspecting a =
new "Hoffman" upright piano made by the "Bechstein" group.  IMHO its =
quite a reasonable instrument.  It has the typical "Petroff" plate set =
up with agraffe's throughout the entire piano.  Personally I have found =
these type of pianos a little easier to tune and four other tuners who's =
opinions I respect agree.  Anyway the tuner that came in the other day =
said (infront of the store owner and the prospective purchaser) that =
among other negative things, "its a shame it has agraffes through the =
treble section as this makes it harder to tune".  I would love to get =
some responses to this post and maybe some thoughts on the pros and cons =
of the use of agraffes as opposed to v bar, pressure bar.  Remember I am =
talking about the tuning ease and stability in a new piano using =
agraffes, worn agraffes, well that's a whole other story.


Jarred Finnigan

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