Sojin Pianos

Glenn Grafton
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:38:07 -0400

>My church is considering buying a Sojin piano.  We have received a lot of
>negative feedback about Sojin.  Could anyone give me some specific reasons
>(more specific than "they are entry level", or "they aren't as good as
>Yamaha")?  We don't want to make a big mistake, but we need facts to make
>our decision.

Sojin was about the lowest quality of the three Korean pianos (below 
Samick & Young Chang).

Korean pianos in general are not the greatest quality instruments to 
start with.

I believe Sojin is no longer making pianos either.

Of course if the price of the piano is very attractive that may sway 
your decision, but go into it with both eyes open. You may be better 
off stretching a little price wise for something better in the long 
run. A Yamaha grand would be a better investment in the long run.

To get some feel on the opinions about Sojin Pianos, go to:
type in Sojin pianos

This will search the archives of the newsgroups (primarily

Here's one example:

>Message 4 in threadFrom: Darryl Greene (
>Subject: Re: Help! need info on Sojun pianos
>Date: 2001-02-26 05:36:04 PST
>I'll second what Larry says here.  I've had experience with Sojin, and
>not a good one.  Made by Daewoo in Korea and not a good way to spend
>$6000.  You can do far, far better for this amount of money.
Glenn Grafton
Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
1081 County Line Rd.
Souderton PA 18964

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better." So I bought a Macintosh.

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