
Kent Swafford
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 19:30:16 -0500

On 6/18/01 5:58 PM, "Phil Bondi" <> wrote:

> I am enjoying the comments on this thread. I have the Spurlock tools and
> they work great for there a system one uses to clean
> the tuning pin area of a Grand piano?..almost seems fruitless to get the
> soundboard clean again and not have a method to get the 'nasties' from out
> of the tuning pin area.
> any thoughts?
> roo(k)

The crevice tool of my PortaPower fits over two tuning pins at a time and
does a surprisingly good job of removing whatever from around the tuning
pins in the plate holes. What doesn't come out this way may very well be
gone when you start blowing with the same crevice tool - not as good as a
compressor maybe, but we're talking in people's houses, right?

Kent Swafford

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