Soundboard Evaluation

Richard Brekne
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 22:20:37 +0200

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Delwin D Fandrich wrote:

>      Does this mean that the a compression soundboard
>      assembly can hold crown as  long as RH is held at high
>      enough levels to sustain internal compression ? Or do
>      you mean to say that the assembly fail anyways...perhaps
>      more slowly.?
> No. Go to R. Bruce Hoadly's 'Understanding Wood' and study the
> effect of creep and compression-set. Wood fibers that are under
> compression--regardless of the degree of compression--will
> continue to go through compression-set. This takes place faster
> when the compression levels are higher and more slowly when the
> compression levels are lower.
> Well then what exactly do you mean by
> "This is climate dependent to the degree that during dry periods
> moisture will be drawn from the wood fibers and the panel's
> internal compression will decrease. During humid  periods the wood
> fibers will absorb moisture, try to swell, and the panel's
> internal compression will increase."
> ?
>      One other thing... you mentioned somewhere along the
>      line I believe,  and I think Ron has echoed this in
>      another thread a while back... that in a best case
>      scenario for a compression board... the sound can be in
>      some sense better or more powerfull... or something of
>      this nature then in a non compression board..... but
>      that that is of little use because it is so short lived
>      amoung other reasons... or have I mis-understood you
>      here.?
> I've no idea what I would have said to give you that impression,
> since I do not believe it to be true.
> Del

That would be your response to Antares question about why his ears
told him the sound of a new Steinway sounded better then an old
one...which in turn sprang out of the him mentioning he had a very
old instrument with a panel that had received new ribs... and all
that discussion about new wood sounding better then old...... but I
probably should re-read it all once more to see if I can sort it all

Anyways... thanks for your replies. Thanks also for the book tip.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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