Soundboard Evaluation

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:53:47 -0500

>> One other thing... you mentioned somewhere along the line I believe,  and I
>> think Ron has echoed this in another thread a while back... that in a best
>> case scenario for a compression board... the sound can be in some sense
>> better or more powerfull... or something of this nature then in a non
>> compression board..... but that that is of little use because it is so short
>> lived amoung other reasons... or have I mis-understood you here.? 
>> Richard Brekne 
> As far as I know, I didn't say that. I did say at one time that a compression
> crowned board can sound as good as a rib crowned, but that the sound of the
> rib crowned is more designable and predictable in production than compression
> crowned.

Ron N

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