SV: The JC ET part 2

Ola Andersson
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 09:53:02 +0200

When making a tempement the first note is ofcourse no problem.
I think the most importent note to tune right is the second note.
Jim colemans way of tuning the C#4 is the best way I can figure out to tune a second note in ET.
It comes so well I only change it if I haven't set the pin good enough.

The fourth not Jim wanted me to tune is the the B3 (or third)
This can also be a three note temprement  A3-B3-C#4

Having tuned A3 and C#4 Jim suggest to tune a pure fifth down from the C#4. F#3-C#4
and  a pure fifth up from A3. A3-E4.

Now we tune B3 contigues between F#3 and E4. This makes streched "vallotti" 4ths that is easy to hear. Let B3-E4 beat 4 times in the same time F#3-B3 beats 3 times. 

Now there is possible to tune G3 with help of B3 putting G3-B3 between F3-A3 and A3-C#4
and the same thing with D#4.
put the B3-D#4 between the A3-C#4 and C#4-F4

I have my own way of tuning from B3 that Jim thought was OK.
It's a secur way for consols I think
If somebody show some interest to this thread maybe I could continue  this temprement on a later post.


Ola Andersson

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