Elvis's piano

philromano@attglobal.net philromano@attglobal.net
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:49:07 -0400

In 1983 I was touring with the ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov as the
audio technician. We had a day off in Memphis and were given a private tour
of Graceland. At that time I believe it had only recently been opened to the
public.  The piano that was there then was about a six foot grand that was
finished in supposedly "24 carat gold". I was unable to get a closer
inspection as everything was behind velvet ropes. I have pictures of it
somewhere but don't think I'll spend all evening trying to find them. It was
definitely not an ivory colored or ebony piano. This sucker was "pure gold"!
It went real well with the Jungle room!

Phil Romano
Myrtle Beach, SC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Krentzel" <Jim_Shari@ruralnet1.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 7:47 AM
Subject: Elvis's piano

> Hello Robert Goodale and list,
> It's interesting that the piano in Vegas is a white Knabe.  About 3 or 4
> years ago, my wife and I were visiting Graceland.  The piano in the living
> room was (as I recall) an ebony Story and Clark baby grand.  The tour
> told us that everything in the house was original.  That's the only piano
> that we saw at that time.
> Jim Krentzel

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