Elvis's piano

David Ilvedson ilvey@jps.net
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 09:11:31 -0700

Now wouldn't that be just like Las Vegas to auction off a phony Elvis piano
for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Of course Elvis probably had more
that one piano!

David I.

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On 6/16/01 at 6:47 AM Jim Krentzel wrote:

>Hello Robert Goodale and list,
>It's interesting that the piano in Vegas is a white Knabe.  About 3 or 4 
>years ago, my wife and I were visiting Graceland.  The piano in the living

>room was (as I recall) an ebony Story and Clark baby grand.  The tour
>told us that everything in the house was original.  That's the only piano 
>that we saw at that time.
>Jim Krentzel

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