Mystery grand...THE ANSWER

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 04:22:25 -0500


At 21:20 06/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Maybe nobody has experienced this particular cause of sluggish dampers in 
>the treble/bass. Here is the answer:
>After noticing the problem, I began in earnest to solve the mystery. After 
>removing the action I almost immediately noticed the problem. The piano 
>movers had apparently been in a hurry when re-attaching the front legs; 
>each has 2 large Allan Lag bolts to secure the front legs, but for some 
>reason that's not very clear, one bolt on each side is roughly 1/2" longer 
>(After checking there is absolutely NO need for the longer bolt) than the 


Oh, really?

Oops!   How well attached is the back leg????  Seems to me that there are 
pianos which have two lengths of leg bolts - 4 short/2 long. The longer 
ones are for the back/pointy end/#3 leg.  Checking, you might find that 
that leg is only held on by one or two threads.  (Hint - Don't lean on the 
piano while checking...)

Conrad Hoffsommer -  Decorah, IA

Usually I try to take it one day at a time, but lately several have 
attacked me at once...

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