Needling Technique

Fri, 15 Jun 2001 22:57:51 -0500

Hi Carol,

    Pre-needling, beore hanging and evaluating and evaluating the tone, is
practiced by one of Renners associates, I belive Rick Baldisan (sp)
something. The technique applies to their (Renners) hammers only.

Dan Reed
Dallas Chapter 

on 6/15/01 9:21 PM, Carol R. Beigel at wrote:

> Usually hammer makers go to great lengths to ensure their product produces
> an acceptable tone - what a way to disrespect a lot of research and effort!
> To deep needle 9 big holes into the hammers before they are hung, without
> even listening to them first, is like using using a crescent wrench to turn
> all the tuning pins a little bit before you sit down to tune it!
> The idea of voicing is to produce tone and power, both on light and heavy
> blows. You don't just sit down to "voice" a piano, you tone regulate it, and
> for that one needs to use their EARS!  Whatever it takes technique-wise to
> produce the best sound possible from the piano should not be the issue; only
> the result!
> And this from the person still experimenting with shaping hammers using an
> electric shaver!
> Carol Beigel
> Greenbelt, Maryland
> about 4 weeks away from Grandmotherhood!

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