Soundboard Evaluation

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 07:32:06 -0500

> Add to that the fact that the piano will be in
>the lobby being played extensively for folks that are looking for a small
>bright spot in their day and that it was donated by some VERY influential
>dude (and this is the ONLY piano they will EVER have in the lobby) - I think
>it pushes the balance in favor of doing a quality rebuilding job, including
>a new board.

It also indicates that the very influential dude who undoubtedly took a
very substantial tax write off for the donation of this very valuable and
apparently very tasty decorative and irreplaceable artifactually antique
piano should be hit up for a donation to resurrect the thing.

Just another attempt to look to the source of the problem for a solution.

Ron N

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