ETDs' spectrum analysis

Robert Scott
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 19:39:38 -0400

Patrick Draine asked:

 >Dear ETD users,
 >I'm wondering about the spectrum analyzer capabilities of the current
 >bunch of ETDs. Could users of the three ETDs (CyberTuner, Veritune,
 >TuneLab) which have said feature give a mini-review of their unit's
 >ability to give readouts on a note's harmonic structure?
 >Does your unit have the ability to measure a note's dwell time?

TuneLab Pro measures and graphs the amplitudes of the first 12 partials,
but does not measure dwell time, which CyberTuner does.  However,
only TuneLab shows a spectrum display that is continuous, not
just a bar graph of the partials.  This allows you to see separate peaks
for each string of a mistuned unison.

-Robert Scott
  Creator of TuneLab

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