
Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:13:43 -0400


Maybe she doesn't want it tuned at all.  Maybe she thinks all the new
pianos sound the same because they were all (relatively) in tune.  I've
heard there are those who are disappointed with the piano after it's
been tuned because it sounds wrong to them.  Just make sure first what
she wants you to do.  Or, I suppose you can tune it and then detune one
string in each unison.  <G>


Richard Brekne wrote:

> After a bit she told me that she was very interested in getting the
> piano funtional... but she didnt want the sound changed. She liked
> the way this old clunker spoke. She said she had been in and heard a
> selection of different new pianos and didnt like them ...saying new
> pianos all sounded allike... all the sound was up front.. bang...

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