
David Ilvedson
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:16:50 -0700

Sounds kind of ugly to me...

David I.

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On 6/14/01 at 9:11 AM Richard Brekne wrote:

>Hi guys and gals..
>Ran into a needling technique I havent seen before yesterday on the
>phone with a freind. Thought I would throw it out for comment.
>The fellow says he puts nine relatively fat holes evenly spaced and
>varying depths into each shoulder... then he hangs hammers...when it
>comes time to really voice the piano he simply works with these
>existing holes... he never stabs a new hole anywhere. He says he
>either just reinserts a needle into one of the existing holes, or he
>tries to expand the hole by sort of scraping fibers along the walls
>of the hole with the point of the needle.
>Sounded kinda neat... so I thought I'd see what you all have to say.
>Richard Brekne
>RPT, N.P.T.F.
>Bergen, Norway

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