aghast with bits

Richard Brekne
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:33:06 +0200

antares wrote:

> Grazie!
> But..... my wife is Amerikanski, and that helps a lot, because we converse
> in a hodge podge combination of one silly  (just kidding ok) language (hers)
> and an other (mine).
> Is your wife Norwegian, by any chance?

She sure is... doesnt seem to help me allllll that much. One of the biggest
problems I have is the accent... I have this ...shall we call it..... . drawl.
Very very obvious. Got to hear my self on TV once locally...and gggwwaaadd was I
embarressed.  Well we are are own worst critics.

Otherwise I have seemingly more problems with prepositions, and getting all the
right attachments to words... the gender stuff... but I do ok really.  Still its
all those expressives and phrases....sayings as it were that just fit perfect here
and there... that seem hardest to get right. Some of them are actually pretty
similiar and kind of funny to compare..

for example  one real common one is
 "killing to birds with one stone"... which here is "killing to flies with one

Then you have words like the english "record" which can have different
meanings.... Here the word  "gift" (pronounced with a soft g ) means both
"marriage" and "poison".... I always found that particular one interesting... :)

> Antares,
> Amsterdam, Holland

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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