Brass finishing

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:41:14 -0500

> Hydrochloric acid is the main ingredient. 

For brass, I've used muriatic acid, which is a hydrochloric dilution from a
swimming pool supply house instead of an industrial supply house, to good
effect. I find it leaves the brass with a slight "frosty" appearance that
buffs up quickly and nicely. I've mostly used it to clean and demineralize
water faucet parts rather than to prettify hinges, but it works pretty darn
good with both. Hint: don't go off and leave parts soaking in this brew. Be
there, and be ready, because the parts "age" pretty quickly to the point
that parts of parts will become past parts of parts if you let your
attention wander for too long. And yes, wear gloves. Wear goggles. Wear
armor. Wear a respirator (two if possible), and do it outdoors (on the
neighbor's lawn if they aren't home). The stuff will cheerfully digest you
if you let it.

Ron N

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