Howard Grand

Wed, 13 Jun 2001 19:07:37 -0600

List  -   A customer wishes to sell her grand piano and asked me for a value
to place on it.   I hope some of you can help.

The piano is a Howard, model #550, made by Kawai for Baldwin. Made about
1970. I think it is 5' 8".  (Could possibly be 5' 10").  The piano is in
excellent condition.  Ebony.  No marks, gouges, or wear on the finish.   The
action has had little use.   Just the slightest string indentation on the

I have checked on, but couldn't find any reference for the
Howard grand.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Donald C. Price, RPT
816 Vickie
Ft. Morgan  CO  80701

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