Cabinetry Question

David M. Porritt
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:54:56 -0500


Tip the fallboard half  way closed and look at the end.  I've seen them
where there were two screws in a brass flange at the ends of the fallboard.
 Usually the fallboard has been routed to accommodate the flange so it's
invisible from the front.  


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On 06/13/2001 at 5:16 PM Phil Bondi wrote:

>Today's question involves a 1921 G. Steck.
>I needed to get to the action to perform some minor surgery on a wayward
>hammer flange.
>After figuring out that there was more than 1 screw per cheek block(a
>of 3 in the right one), then I had to try and figure out how the key cover
>on this one came off.
>I still haven't figured it out. Usually with pianos of this vintage, they
>were connected to the cheek blocks. Not this one. This one seemed to be
>connected to the cabinet by 2 pins at either end of the Key Cover, but no
>real 'slot' to lift, or pull, or whatever, to get the dang thing off. It
>seemed as if it was a permenant connection, somehow spring-loaded.
>I was able to move the action back far enough to make the repair, but this
>key cover has me scratching my ever-balding head.
>What did I miss?

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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