Rolled bridge: cause? diagnosis? treatment? Or maybe afloating pinblock?

Brian Trout
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:30:20 -0400

Hi Ron N.,

Just a casual glancer to most of the posts these days,... busy, busy...

... but I think he might have been saying it might be the bridge body having 
come unglued from the soundboard that started to roll forward.

Honestly, if such a thing did happen, we've got major problems above and 
beyond the angle of that there bridge!!  Certainly couldn't be much if any 
positive downbearing, negative would be much more likely. Might be some 
warping and twisting hapenin' as well for that kind of an effect.?? I've 
seen the tenor end of the long bridge standing about 1/8" up off of the 
soundboard on some "reputable" manufacturer's pianos already, but it didn't 
roll forward.  Have seen the other end do something similar too, but again, 
no rolling.  Now, the cantilevered bass bridges,... well, that's another 

Maybe he'll clarify it for us.??

Just a thought or two...

Brian Trout
Slidell, LA

----Original Message Follows----
From: Ron Nossaman <>
Subject: Re: Rolled bridge: cause? diagnosis? treatment? Or maybe  afloating 
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 14:55:03 -0500

 >or may require that the bridge be re-glued? :)
 >Wally Wilson RPT

To what? What's loose - on the bridge, I mean.

Ron N

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