Down weight Upweigt and all that stuff

Carl Meyer
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 20:46:02 -0700

I'm trying to get a K52 1909 S&S ready to sell.  It's been refinished,
restrung, rescaled, new keytops, rebushed etc.

I now am regulating tuning etc.  My question Is:

Example: note 42 has 16 gm up weight, 60 down weigh. for 22 gm friction.  I
know that is excess friction, but with the sustain pedal up the down weight
is 85 grams, and the up weight is 38 grams.

After I get the friction down to normal, how much should I expect the DW to
increase with the damper spring in the circuit.

I believe the hammer flanges have been replaced and maybe the whippen
flanges,  I don't see evidence of vertigre.

What should I shoot for and how do I measure it?
The damper flange??? is hard to measure.  I've tried Francis MeHaffey's
zapper and I assume the jack action center should be relatively free.

Suggestions appreciated.

Carl Meyer

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