Was/broken plate bolt

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 22:08:30 -0500

>I had heard that at one time Story & Clark was lubricating the pressure bar
>screws at installation with some kind of grease.  Over the years it would
>migrate to the top row of tuning pins, which would become too loose to hold
>string tension long before any of the other pins lost their grip.   Anybody
>out there experience one of these pianos? 

I don't remember if it was Story and Clark or not, but yes! 

> If true, it says we should use
>something on the screws that can't migrate.  I used to use beeswax, but
>since hearing this story had been using nothing.  I may start using
>varnish - thanks, Ron!
>Mike Spalding

True confessions: I haven't tried varnish on either screws or tuning pins,
but positive results reported with it's use on tuning pins would seem to
indicate it should be utterly harmless as a screw lubricant. I have used
paraffin, bees wax, and paste wax to apparently good effect.

Ron N

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