Steinway bridge replacement--should I?

John M. Formsma
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 11:32:27 -0500

Dear List,

Have a customer with an old upright Steinway. Not sure of the age, but has
the double flange action. The bass bridge is separated, and has many splits
at the bridge pins, which necessitate the replacement of the bridge. I have
not yet replaced a bridge, but it seems rather straightforward. However, on
this piano, the left part of the bridge is somewhat behind the plate. I am
concerned that the bridge removal might get a little hairy since the plate
is in the way. On this piano, is it best to attempt bass bridge replacement
with the plate out? If so, the customers will not likely go for that.

Anyone have experience with these pianners?

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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