restringing/restoring my piano...

Jon Page
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 07:16:39 -0400

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At 08:55 PM 06/11/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Whenever I get around to doing some more work on my piano (it needs new 
>strings, for example), when I
>restring it, what things should I look for to determine whether or not I 
>need to remove the plate in
>order to do some things?  From what I can see, although I'm not using very 
>good light, the soundboard
>is not cracked, the plate is fine although could use a relaquer, and the 
>bass bridge needs epoxy or at most
>to be recapped.

The first thing you need to do is to get someone in there with experience 
who is willing to guide you
through the process or is willing to let you help (that would be best).

I was called to bail out a 'shade tree tuner' with action work. The 
stringing was extremely sloppy
(worse coils I've ever seen) and the hammer hanging job was frightening. 
For all the money he
invested for parts, the piano now has a negative value.

If you are really interested, join the Guild, attend the meetings and ask 
questions. Attend conventions
and learn the proper way to do things. There are hands-on classes too.

A more suitable self-help forum would be in newsgroups:

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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