restringing/restoring your piano...

Overs Pianos
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 18:37:49 +1000


Stephen Airy wrote:

>Whenever I get around to doing some more work on my
>piano (it needs new strings, for example), when I
>restring it, what things should I look for to
>determine whether or not I need to remove the plate in
>order to do some things?  From what I can see,
>although I'm not using very good light, the soundboard
>is not cracked, the plate is fine although could use a
>relaquer, and the bass bridge needs epoxy or at most
>to be recapped.

Stephen, why don't you get around to doing something like attending 
the coming Reno convention. Everything you ever wanted to know will 
be there for the taking.

Ron O


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