Belly Work to the Trade

Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:12:17 -0400

I can easily see myself evolving slowly from piano tuning/servicing to shop
work in general - and specifically belly work (if the work were there). Do
many of you do belly/shop work for the trade for local techs? I'm not
talking about the Geers, etc. of the world, but rather Fred (or Fredrika)
likes to tune and restring, you like to do belly work, so Fred gets a
rebuild, does everything but the belly work, and subs that part out to you.
Has anyone out there established a good reputation/relationship among other
area techs such that they keep you busy with belly/shop work?

I find myself dreaming of such an arrangement, but do not know how common a
small scale operation like that may be. (Don't worry, I'm not ready to start
advertising yet.) Anyone?

Terry Farrell

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