Is age a factor?

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:43:30 -0500

>An ad in the local paper lists a Yamaha console for sale in walnut,
>"mint" condition.  

Hi Clyde, No surprise here. Advertised pianos are always in excellent
condition, often perfect.

>  She said she didn't have the model
>or serial numbers at hand and declined to give the age, saying that for
>a better quality piano that is not a factor. 

They get better with age anyway, don't they? 

> She did mention it was one
>of the last consoles made by Yamaha in Japan.

Anybody's guess where this information came from.

>What do you think?  Is age a factor?  I would have thought so, along
>with condition, of course.  When did Yamaha stop making consoles in
>Japan for the USA market?  I'm interested in any information or

Of course age is a factor. So is point of origin, use and storage
conditions, and maintenance record. If this wasn't the case, who would buy
a new spinet or console when they could get a good as new old upright for
less money? I don't know about the console part, but that's not all that
pertinent a bit of information anyway.  

>By the way, I did not discuss the piano any further with the owner.  I
>feel that if someone is trying to hide pertinent information, I'm not
>interested, regardless of how nice the piano might be.  Am I right or
>Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Can't say. She honestly may not have known a thing about the piano except
some tidbit a tech told her about it's being the last console... etc, and
or course the universally embraced belief that pianos are immortal. Then
again, she might be the worst crook in town and this might be the fifth of
the fifteen grey market pianos she expects to misrepresent and sell in just
this manner this year. It could be either situation here. In any case,
going to look at the piano will net you an inspection and serial number
with which you can get the age and origin if you're interested.

I hope some of that was what you wanted.

Ron N

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