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Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:20:46 -0500

>    Hello, I'm interested in opinions on what degree  of benefit there is
>in having a toll free number in the yellow  pages...   Thanks, Colin Kenny
>      >>>

Colin, LIst,

A couple of things that might be of benefit for this query.

I tried this several years ago.  The idea at the time was to allow anyone
to reach me without restriction, which I thought would be really cool.  As
it turned out, the only people who used to any degree were people who loved
to ask questions beyond belief and talk far longer than was ever necessary
from my viewpoint, and never really wanting the piano services I actually

it also turned out, as it were, that the prefix for the 800 number I got
coincided with one of the major city prefixes 35 miles away.  Even though
it was unspoken at the chapter meetings, I sensed the members who resided
in this locale thought I was trying to horn in on their business, which was
never my interest whatsoever.  The waters were uncomfortable for awhile to
say the least.

As a result of these two factors I eventually eliminated it.  I have
acquired another one since then, but for special applications on a personal
level use only.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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