Destringing fun!--Thanks!

Robert Goodale
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:08:36 -0500

Actually the little circular saw has not been available for years.  Seems
that someone decided to do something stupid with one and cut themselves and
then decided to take Dremmel to court declaring that it was Dremmal's fault,
(how typical).  The saw was designed for cutting wood and plastic anyway and
wouldn't work on piano strings.  The thin abrasive cut-off wheels are what
you want to use.  They can break rather easily and don't last very long but
if you put two of them on the shank at once instead of one this greatly
improves performance.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Farrell wrote:

> Is this small-toothed saw for the Dremmel something that one can find at
> Home Depot or the like? Does it look like a tiny circular saw?

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