Destringing fun!--Thanks!

Robert Goodale
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 23:05:54 -0500

It was me!  Yes, it is pretty cool ain't it.  Goes right
through all of the strings in minutes.  Sure beats one at a
time with wire cutters anytime.  It started out as an
experiment because I couldn't find my cutters.  Now I'm glad
I never found them!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Diane Hofstetter wrote:

> Some time ago someone wrote on this list about cutting the
> wires at the agraffes with a small toothed saw on a
> dremmel tool.  I  tried it yesterday on a Steinway M that
> I'm restrining--what fun!  More fireworks than the 4th. of
> July.  And when the string is about to go, it suddenly
> feels like you are cutting butter. I tried to find the
> post in the archives last night to thank the post-er in
> person, but couldn't find it.  Hope he reads this and
> knows how grateful I am for the good tip!

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