Noisy action

Richard Moody
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:45:51 -0500

SAY !!   Me thinks ye are using the Moody Dripolator without due
compensation let alone reference.   It dispenses vodka just as good as
any other liquid.  Whiskey even,,,,  h-i-c ,,or was it Bourbon ?  Yes
dew compensation as in mountain dew.
    To throw another consideration into the noisey action problem,
consider dampening the keybed.  A couple of Reader's Digests under the
lyre might ameorilate  this problem.     ---ric   (the  ic    stands
for 'ric after the seventh cup'.

   " I told Allan-a-Dale, the northern minstrel, that he would damage
the harp if he touched it after the seventh cup, but he would not be
controlled. ---- Friend, I drink to thy successful
performance."      --Ivanhoe--

----- Original Message -----
From: jolly roger <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: RE: Noisy action

|   Slurp! Gee why did'nt I do this before tastes good
| nah you are never wet Susan.
| big smile
| Roger
| >I'm talking out of my hat. I've only steamed the wippen cushions
with a
| >damp cloth and an iron. I've only tried the vodka a little, and
never on
| >the jack adjusting felt. So ... try it, folks! But gingerly, on a
few notes
| >the first time. Tell me I'm all wet, and need to drink the vodka
(!) BUT I
| >do have the perfect candidate to try it on. Jacks noisy.
| >
| >Susan
| >

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