Piano tuner image

John Lillico, RPT staytuned@idirect.com
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:03:01 -0500

I've been working on the piano tuner image for thirty-eight years!!

As a youth I envisioned a piano tuner as a bespectacled, middle-aged person with broad forehead and paunch belly and carrying a satchel.

I have finally made the grade.

The spectacles came about on account of poor vision. The broad forehead was derived from too much combing,  like the idea that too much traffic leads to expressways. The paunch was gradually accumulated through consumption, more commonly known as an abundance of beer. The age thing though had eluded me.... that is until today!

June 11 puts me at 60.....since 1941. Too young to fight a war, too old to be a baby-boomer, too "smart" to stay in school and too lazy to make a living.

Now that I've attained that image, let the phone ring. I'll be tuning well into my 80's. Move over you old-timers! :--qp

John Lillico, RPT
Oakville, ON, Canada

P.S.  I've had the satchel all along.

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