to Keith and list

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:10:52 -0500

>I was beginning to think that I was the only one with my ideas about 'new'
>sound versus 'old' sound.

No, you're not alone. New sounds better than old to me too, as long as the
new and the old are the same thing.

>The only thing I regretted was that there was no one saying : yeah..of
>course! a new always sounds better!

In my case, I didn't want to spend the next three days unraveling all the
branch assumptions, exceptions, and speculations that would surely pour in
from the sidelines. Nothing personal. Besides, I thought you were doing
just fine with both the concepts and our unquestionably silly language
(picking not a single nit). 

>So it's a lot better than yesterday ... but what a fight it was! bass and
>middle section are beautiful, as always, but that trouble treble! it's
>always the same! Whatever we do... we file, we tune, we regulate, we fit the
>hammers, we voice, we know all the tricks. so we make something of it, and
>we mask the misery of 20 years 'old age'.

Quite normal, but certainly frustrating. When people won't believe anything
can be wrong with a hundred year old soundboard, how can you tell them the
soundboard is shot in a twenty year old piano... or a five year old one...
or a new one fresh from the manufacturer?

>My back hurts and I am tired (but then that's our life) and the D is nice,
>for some time, but indeed...give me a new one anytime!

Give me an old one to rebuild. Just as well have some fun from the process.

Ron N

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