Soundboard Compression & Cracks

Richard Brekne
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 16:11:55 +0200

Farrell wrote:

> Take a compression-crowned soundboard that is not collapsed (still has some
> crown) that also has a few cracks through which you can see daylight. How
> can this be? The only thing that gives the board crown is the lateral
> compression across the grain as the wood gained moisture after its initial
> drying during construction. Now if you have daylight cracks in the board,
> does this not mean the board is not under compressional forces? Or is it
> that the inter-crack areas are still under compression from being glued to
> the non-dimensionally changing ribs (relatively speaking)? But then why/how
> is it that one area of the board can be under compression and an inch or two
> away, the board is under tension????????
> What is it about the soundboard that is soooooooooo interesting? Or is my
> life just that dull?

Smile.... from the sound of your recent array of posts I doubt seriously its the

> Terry Farrell

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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