Acoustic Memory

Richard Brekne
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:48:05 +0200

Greg Newell wrote:

> Rob and list,
>     This is an interesting theory.

Hmmm I suppose if I felt it neccessary to hop all over Del over this kind
of thing it is only right to point out that "theory" is not really the
correct term here. A theory is a bit more developed then an Hypothesis.....
and is the result of quite a bit of testing of that developing.... refining... and slowly one
develops the whole thing into a theory.

What Rob has is more on the line of a "thought"....grin.

By the way... since no one else mentioned it.....It seemed to me like the
"wood memory" you mentioned was pretty much what "wood creep" is all about.

Course expanding on what creep is to devevoping an idea about  how and
where vibrational forces exicite their way through different paths would
take quite a big step and would take a lot of work to prove out.

Kind of reminds me a bit of what some Sweedish researches mean to have
shown the brain forms "patterns" as we grow that result from what we
experience along the way...they are supposed to sort of lend themselves to
the brain dealing with similiar experiences effectively... and it is
suspected that these patterns then explain why it seems to get harder and
harder to change habits as we get older... but I digress..

Its an interesting idea Rob.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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