Verituner........ Its HOT!!!

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 19:00:30 +0200

> Greetings, 
> Andre writes:
> <<it snuggles right into
> the remaining space my former tuning aid left available.
> In other words :<<
> And , please tell us again, what sort of tuning aid was the former?
> Wondering, 
> Ed Foote RPT

Well Ed Foote,
Greetings to you!

My former 'tuning aid' was a 'very simple Yamaha PT-100'.
I have used it for years, and have learned a lot from it, believe me.

The step from  a simple PT-100 to a RCT is a huge one.

The step from a, not-so-simple-RCT, to a Verituner is another huge one.

Friendly greetings

André Oorebeek
Amsterdam, Holland

'where music is, no harm can be'

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