advertising & stuff

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 16:13:01 -0400

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I've already noticed that what seems to work very well for one person
can be a total flop for someone else.  I've never tried the things you
mention here; maybe someone who did will respond.  But I will give two
reasons why some means of advertising are not used by those of us who
are one-person companies:

1.  It is too expensive for the amount of business generated.
2.  It is too time-consuming for the amount of business generated.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA, USA

Kallie Swanepoel wrote:

>  Hi ListersFrom the respons I had from the list, it seems to me that a
> few of us are using flyers, Bill boards, teleSales and letters to
> schools.  For what reason is this, doesn't it work?

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